Inspecteur agriculture – Montréal
Job Overview
- Company Name Intertek
- Job Start Date Sat, 19 Mar 2022 06:34:02 GMT
- Job Type Full Time - Permanent
- Job Source Careerjet
Job title: Inspecteur agriculture – Montréal
Job description: Work Duties
- To prepare for and organize grain inspection jobs so that services are rendered, and reports and samples are submitted, in a timely manner.
- To attend commodity material movements involving loading and unloading of rail cars or trucks.
- To perform routine equipment calibration, verification, and function checks.
- To perform, by specified methodology, visual observation, volume measurement, temperature measurement, and sampling of commodity materials contained or conveyed in rail cars or trucks.
- To communicate and coordinate with loading facilities and Intertek management personnel to promote the smooth exercise of duties assigned.
- To verify and communicate the results obtained, and to make the entries into the appropriate media, whether print or electronic, required to ensure the validity and traceability of the information.
- To maintain work areas, records, and equipment in a clean, organized, and functional condition.
- To monitor the availability of the supplies needed for the above processes, and to make any needs for such supplies known to the Inspection and Training Coordinator.
- To assist in the inspection, quality system application and organizational training of less experienced employees by utilizing approved online and printed materials and/or materials supplied by Intertek management.
- The Grain Inspector must have a grasp of basic mathematics and computer skills, and must, in the opinion of the hiring authority hold a Canadian grain grading certification, minimum level 3.
- The Grain Inspector must be physically able to do the work required and cannot have a fear of heights or of confined spaces.
- The Grain Inspector should have a positive attitude, a high tolerance for job pressure and the ability for working and communicating with persons of diverse personalities and backgrounds.