Nanny Wanted – Needed: Montreal, Quebec Nanny. Full Time (8am To 4pm), With Experience Working With Toddlers. Early Education Is A Big Plus

Job Overview

Job title: Nanny Wanted – Needed: Montreal, Quebec Nanny. Full Time (8am To 4pm), With Experience Working With Toddlers. Early Education Is A Big Plus

Company: CareGuide

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Nour K

Needed: Montreal, Quebec Nanny. Full-time (8am to 4pm), with experience working with toddlers. Early education is a big plus.

Last seen 17 hours ago


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Nanny Job in Montreal, Quebec

Hi there, my name is Nour. I’m looking for a full-time nanny for my little boy. My husband and I work from home and are looking for a nanny who can take care of our 20-months-old son between 8 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday. Our ideal candidate would have experience working with toddlers, would be physically active and take the initiative to take him out and engage him mentally and physically in play. Early childhood education is an asset.

Expected salary:

Location: Montreal, QC

Job date: Fri, 01 Jan 2021 23:39:04 GMT

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